Financed by the LIFE+ (LIFE11 ENV/IT/119) programme, BLUE AP (Bologna Local Urban Environment Adaptation Plan for a Resilient City) is a European project started on 1 October 2012 and closed on 30 October 2015.
BLUE AP was coordinated by the City of Bologna and involved such partners as Kyoto Club, Ambiente Italia and ARPA Emilia Romagna.
The project was designed to give Bologna local climate change adaptation Strategy and Plan, one which included the testing of some tangible measures to make the city less vulnerable and capable of react in case of flood, draught and other consequences of climate change. At the moment Bologna is the pilot city and the first in Italy to have
sources the tools to tackle the climate change challenge, which is widely regarded as a European and national priority.
The Adaptation Plan was presented to the citizens and the national and international scientific community on 4 June 2015, at the end of a partecipatory process which involved many public and private stakeholders. The Plan was approved by the City Council on 5 October 2015.
It defined the goals up to 2025 and described the actions required to accomplish such goals, by making a distinction between purely Municipal tasks and other actions that require the contribution from other players.
The Plan implementation moves along an action-monitoring phase designed to assess the efficacy thereof and to ensure to other administrations the adoption of consistent and tangible good practices
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